Thursday, January 29, 2004

I have been working on my new website

I am dedicating some pages to different species of raptors in flight in order to help people ID raptors. I have photos of Broad-winged hawk, Swainson's hawks and Turkey vultures. I could use some flight photos of Sharp-shinned hawks, Cooper's hawks, Merlins, red-tailed hawks, red shouldered hawks, merlins, american kestrels, hook-billed kites, plumbeous kites, American swallow-tailed kites. They don't have to be close or super sharp as I am most interested in flight shapes. You can check out the page for and idea of what I am looking for. If you have any photos that you would like to share please contact me

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

This weblog is about migrating birds of prey in Veracruz Mexico. It is called "River of raptors" because one may observe a steady "stream" of raptors on their southern migration. Veracruz is the "Everest" of hawk watch sites. Very few people have witnessed this natural event first hand. I am hooked on raptor observation and desire to share with others this incredible event.