Spring Hawkwatch 2006
Attention birders and hawkwatch enthusiasts I warmly invite you to make some plans for the spring bird of prey migration here in Tlacotalpan, Veracruz....... March 20th through April 8th I will be offering a birding/raptor migration tour here in Tlacotalpan Veracruz that will feature the spring raptor migration, general birding, some mexican cooking classes and an overall good time.
Last year during these dates I counted 74,629 raptors!
This year is going to be great! You can sit on my front porch in the afternoon and watch raptors fly overhead by the hundreds and thousands. It´s fantastic stuff!
I want people to come down this year.
The trips are flexible, decide the amount of days that you want to stay from March 20 through April 8th. The cost is $75.00 USD per day based on either single or double occupancy and includes;
1. early moring birding (6:30am til 9am) afternoons will be dedicated to the hawkwatch.
2. Basic accomodations (clean rooms with ceiling or floor fans) AC would be additional.
3. breakfast, lunch and dinner
4. if you so desire, you can pick up some tips on preparing some great mexican dishes.
5. purified drinking water
(not included, between meal snacks, alcoholic beverages )
If you want someone to meet you at the airport in Veracruz and accompany you to Tlacotalpan r/t add on $50.00 USD
You can contact me for more information David McCauley, my e-mail is hawkwatch@gmail.com
Good birding,