Friday, March 03, 2006

My first day on the spring hawkwatch. March 2nd I was able to spend 3 hours on the hawkwatch. I have a new counting location this year about a half a block away from the house. I am on the rooftop of a 3 story building with a nice clear view. The added height will allow me to see things that I missed last year. I have still have to fix up a small area with some shade. Early next week I should have my new digiscoping equipment.
I am pretty excited to try it out.
As for my observations...I counted 15 Turkey vultures. As of March 20th I plan to put in 8 hours a day on the hawkwatck until April 30th.
I could use some counting help if anyone can come down. I also need a couple new clickers.
contact me
A couple of days ago I was able to get out and photograph a juvenile Snail kite

and a Northern Caracara gathering nesting material