Friday, September 03, 2010

Raptor migrations off to a good start........

Greetings from Cerro Azul, Veracruz. This is shaping up to be one of the best hawk watch seasons ever! Sept. 3.... and as far as observations of migrating raptors I am not in the optimum location at the moment. (38 kilometers inland from the gulf of Mexico in Northern Veracruz) Thus far nothing great in the raptor migration sitings ( 1 HK -Hooked-billed Kite and about 70 MK - Mississippi Kites, mostly juvies.) The movements are passing closer to the gulf and out of my range of view. Thanks to HAWKCOUNT.ORG I am able to get my daily  raptor "fix" with  the help of the Corpus Christi Gang (Libby, Dane, Kevin,Patti, Bill.....and all the rest) 
 to the North.
To the South,"River of Raptors Veracruz"  aka Hawk-watch Mecca (mecca n. A place that is regarded as the center of an activity or interest.)

I send "saludos y tequilazos" to the hardworking  River of Raptors team in Cardel y Chichicaxtle
Habacuc, Rigo, Citlali, Irving,James, Oscar, Rene, Roberto y Otros PRONATURA 
Here is a data summary as of Sept.2:Corpus Christi 
Data summary for Veracruz ROR Sept2: River of Raptors

Torrential rains to the south in Veracruz with many flooded communities including "my beloved" Tlacotalpan. FLOOD 2010  
My best wishes for ALL
All for the well and remember "eyes to the sky" and "solo Vera Cruz es bello"
David McCauley


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