Wednesday, April 14, 2004

April 14, 2004

Spring Hawk Watch 2004
Plaza Doña Marta
Tlacotalpan Veracruz

Today we had a break in the weather after three days of strong winds and rain.
Temperature 27C (80F) at 10:00 a.m. and remained the same until 19:00.
Overcast most of the day, with light wind from the North 11 km per hour.
The first raptor observed today, 11:49 a.m. and was a Black Vulture.
There were nice movements of Mississippi kites with 698 counted today.
Mississippi Kites in glide
Four peregrine falcons were counted today. I has able to get a flight profile pic of a peregrine today.
Today's report:
Turkey vulture 11
Ospery 23
Mississippi kite 698
Sharp-shinned hawk 7
Cooper's hawk 2
Broad-winged hawks 395
Swainson's hawk 4
American kestrel 7
Merlin 1
Peregrine falcon 4


The last raptor counted today was a Swainson's hawk.

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